Sifaatul Huroof Pt 2

This post wraps up sifaatul huroof by noting the definition of sifaatul ‘aaridah, as well as pointing out some important notes.

Sifaatul ‘Aaridah as briefly discussed in the previous post, is translated to ‘redundant characteristics’. A sifah ‘aaridah is that characteristic which “adds to” or “completes” a letter, such that if it were to be removed from it, it would not affect the actual letter; it is an additional right [which must be exercised] of the letter. Examples of sifaatul ‘aaridah include rules such as tafkheem, idghaam, ikhfaa, and imaalah. Most of these rules of tajweed have been studied closely on the site as independant tajweed rules.


To conclude sifaatul huroof, there are a few things to note.


Firstly, hamzah is of two types: hamzatul wasl, and hamzatul qat. Follow the links on each to read about them in detail.


Secondly, although the letters yaa and waaw come in two forms (vowels/maddeeyah and consonant) the letter alif is always a vowel (madd letter). Since a word can only begin with a consonant sound, if the written form of the alif begins a word, really it is a form of hamzah (see hamzah posts).


Finally, enjoy the documents uploaded to the resources page containing a table of the letters and their sifaat, as well as the makhaarij of the letters [these may take a couple of days to go live].

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